Clínica dental en Tenerife

SJD Dentistas

Ponemos a tu disposición la última tecnología en diagnóstico, tratamiento y prevención de salud bucodental.

SJD La Laguna

SJD Las Chafiras


Acerca de SJD Dentistas


Ortodoncia invisible

¿Quieres alinear tus dientes? Te ofrecemos la mejor solución del mercado mediante Invisalign y los alineadores transparentes. Mediante tecnología 3D planificamos tu tratamiento partiendo de la posición actual hasta mostrar el resultado final con todos tus dientes alineados. Visita nuestro tratamiento de ortodoncia invisible.

Implantes dentales

Ofrecemos soluciones mediante nuestra avanzada tecnología en implantes dentales a cualquier problema complejo que sufra.


La endodoncia tiene como objetivo evitar infecciones o molestos dolores, así como evitar la extracción de la pieza dental. Es por ello importante acudir a una revisión para evaluar su caso.

Ortodoncia invisible


Implantes dentales




Blanqueamiento dental


Prótesis dental




sobre implantes


Estética dental


Férula dental


TAC dental


En la Clínica Dental SJD Dentistas


Realizamos tratamientos de calidad adaptados a las necesidades de cada persona. Utilizamos los últimos avances en odontología digital y conocimientos actualizados en técnicas punteras de tratamientos dentales. Contamos con un equipo de profesionales dirigidos por el Dr. Luis Rodríguez de Vera junto con dos clínicas dentales:




SJD Dentistas La Laguna
Basado en 229 reseñas.
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Josefa MedinaJosefa Medina
16:35 29 Apr 24
THANK YOUEverything I say is not enough for the treatment I receiveToday was a special day for me and my fears, they make me feel good and give me a lot of peace of mind, they are professionals who make you feel at home, but also give you back your smileTest passed🥰👌THANK YOU 🫂
yadira perezyadira perez
13:24 29 Apr 24
Incredible work, impeccable service, very caring, I would not hesitate to repeat with them, I recommend it 100x100
Paloma Quintana ReyesPaloma Quintana Reyes
13:19 29 Apr 24
Very happy with the security they have given me and the treatment they have offered me. They are very good professionals and all the clinic staff are very friendly.
Jose PalmerJose Palmer
13:04 29 Apr 24
Great attention, responsibility, they advised me very well and were great professionals. Happy with the treatment of everyone in the group, he is my trusted dentist.
15:11 08 Apr 24
My experience has been very positive due to the professionalism of Dr. Luis and the entire team of nurses. But also for the kind and careful treatment. And the result of my treatment has been simply perfect.On the other hand, the operation of the clinic is unbeatable, I have rarely had to wait more than 10 minutes, they can always adapt the appointment to your schedule. Many thanks for everything
Juan CastroJuan Castro
18:06 19 Mar 24
Thank Rosi and Gabriela for the good service received in all the sections they have carried out for me. And I would like to highlight the good care of the entire team towards my children since on this occasion I had no choice but to take them with me.They left very happy, thank you very much.
Dale RobertsDale Roberts
11:05 23 Jun 23
Let me start with a big thank you to all the team👏 from the start of my whole procedure to the end, I was informed of what would be happening, the cost which compared to the uk is brilliant. I had a lot of extractions and new plates made. The work is amazing and I now smile with confidence and beautiful white teeth. Thank you so much.
Nieves reyes floresNieves reyes flores
11:28 02 Sep 22
SJD Dentistas Las Chafiras
Basado en 140 reseñas.
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Pedro BeiroPedro Beiro
11:04 08 Apr 24
I am very happy with the treatment I have had and with the treatment received I recommend it 100%
maximo espinolamaximo espinola
14:07 14 Mar 24
A group of very large professionals (each and every one of them), very patient at all times, understanding of the patient's difficulties, making everything easier and more bearable.Thank you for everything and for this great help that makes you smile again.
Francisco TejeraFrancisco Tejera
14:47 07 Mar 24
I am very happy with the clinic and the treatments performed 100% recommended
Esteban RodriguezEsteban Rodriguez
15:06 22 Feb 24
Very good treatment, professional and very friendly, thank you for your services and Dr. Luis for his help
Cheryl EvansCheryl Evans
23:04 13 Dec 23
Attended in a few occasions and found staff excellent extremely caring and helpful. Patrick speaks good English and is very helpful. Prices competitive and you have a free consultation before any work is done after being given the price. I go to an nhs dentist in the UK but after loosing a filling whilst in Tenerife they really provided excellent treatment.
Kamran JalalianKamran Jalalian
20:09 16 Nov 23
Very friendly atmosphere at reasonable prices. Highly recommend!
Marie Anaelle VattierMarie Anaelle Vattier
13:39 15 Nov 23
Without a doubt the most recommended dental clinic in Tenerife. I have gone for two implants and the result is totally spectacular. The entire team is very professional, very attentive, very friendly and very understanding! If something had to be changed about this clinic, I wouldn't change anything. They have done a perfect job for me in a very short time. I thank everyone for your patience with me, I know it has not been a very easy case!!! I recommend 100% and more, congratulations and once again thank you for the work done and the attention received, in this clinic you feel like family❤️💖❤️
lyn matraverslyn matravers
16:08 25 Apr 23
Excellent service, very good service 100% recommend! ❤️
Dawn BatesDawn Bates
10:40 09 Jul 19
Upon arriving in the dentist they were very keen to help me, gave me an x-ray and then gave me a quote which was more than acceptable. Alberto was pushy to get the appointment for the paid work done, and as an entrepreneur I understand the need to make sales, and for him to do his job securing patients after giving a free check up including x-rays.When I returned for the clean, the dental hygienist was lovely. A great job was done and I was happy to return.I returned again to reschedule the second treatment of having some dental reconstruction done (following an accident I'd had months previously) and needed to check how things were going to be done as I had a press interview, and to rearrange the appointment.The assistant Alberto kept interrupting me as I was trying to understand the situation, as his English and my Spanish are not fluent. I felt we were not getting anywhere so asked if the dentist who spoke English and was available and he advised she wasn't, so I thanked them and left.When I returned the next day to speak with the Dentist, Alberto told me the dentist was again busy. He offered me an appointment to speak with the dentist of which I accepted and started to ask him another question, before he started to tell me he didn't need to speak with me in English, I was in Spain, I should speak Spanish and he was unwilling to speak with me in English any longer. He then told me because I was he was no longer willing to honour the appointments made and asked me to leave. I explained I was still learning Spanish and due to speaking Arabic as well as English, Arabic sometimes came out which confused me. As I tried to apologised for my lack of Spanish and confusion, he continued to interrupt me and then asked me to leave.For a private clinic who have English speaking dentists and are pushy with setting appointments, and happy to take English people's money, some of us who haven't been here very long, my experience wasn't a good one.Alberto's attitude to those of us who are not yet fluent in Spanish is incredibly unprofessional, and exudes cultural prejudices.I have been in Spain a few months and speak more Spanish than most who have lived here for years. If Alberto had not constantly interrupted my question around the clarification of the appointment time and date, and more informed about the procedure I was due to have and if a press interview would be feasible, then none of this would have happened.My advice is to stay away from this private practice in Las Chafiras if you do not speak Spanish, especially if you are having more than a clean.I travel the world constantly and always do my best to learn the languages, of which I speak the basics of at least 5 and fluent in 2. I am respectful of cultures and have worked extensively in cultural diversity for over 20 years. Alberto's attitude towards the English may have come from other people he has encountered, or his own frustrations, but to speak over clients and treat people in this way is not acceptable.My smile is important to me, and not just because of a press engagement, but because to smile is to spread happiness, to share happiness. It's just a shame Alberto doesn't understand how important someone's smile is to them.

Obten beneficios en SJD Dentistas

Garantizamos los mejores Tratamientos Dentales


Ofrecemos facilidades de pago
Te ofrecemos distintas formas de pago para que puedas realizar los tratamientos dentales que requieras en el momento que lo necesites


Servicios personalizados
Cientos de clientes satisfechos avalan un equipo de dentistas altamente cualificados que te garantizan los mejores resultados


Ven acompañado en tu primera visita
Pregunta por nuestra tarifa de fidelización. Tu acompañante y tú pueden beneficiarse de esta promoción.

Últimas noticias sobre nuestra Clínica Dental en Tenerife

Todo lo que necesitas saber para acudir al dentista

Preguntas frecuentes

Respuestas y recomendaciones que damos a nuestros clientes sobre nuestras clínicas dentales en Tenerife

¿Cuáles son los horarios de atención de la clínica dental y dónde están?


SJD Dentistas posee dos clínicas dentales en diferentes ubicaciones:

Clínica dental SJD Dentistas las Chafiras


Lunes, Martes y Miércoles 11.00 h a 19.00 h

Jueves 8.00 h a 16.00 h

Viernes 8.00 h a 14.00

Clínica dental SJD Dentistas en La Laguna


Lunes, Martes y Miércoles 11.00 h a 19.00 h

Jueves 8.00 h a 16.00 h

Viernes 8.00 h a 14.00

¿Qué tipos de tratamientos dentales ofrecen en la clínica dental?


La elección de la clínica dental adecuada puede depender de varios factores, como la ubicación, los servicios ofrecidos, la experiencia y formación de los dentistas, las opiniones de otros pacientes y el costo de los tratamientos. Es importante investigar y comparar diferentes opciones antes de tomar una decisión.

En SJD Dentistas contamos con un equipo de profesionales altamente capacitados y equipados con tecnología de última generación para brindar tratamientos de calidad a precios accesibles. Además, contamos con una amplia variedad de servicios dentales para atender las necesidades específicas de cada paciente:

Ortodoncia invisible
Implantes dentales
Blanqueamiento dental
Prótesis dental
Prótesis sobre implantes dentales
Estética dental
Férulas dentales
Tac dental

¿Cómo puedo agendar una cita en la clínica dental?


Depende donde te encuentres puedes solicitar cita en nuestra clínica dental de La Laguna +34 922 630 148 o de Las Chafiras +34 822 145 239. También puedes solicitarlo desde aquí.

¿Cuánto tiempo tarda un tratamiento dental y cuántas citas necesito?


El tiempo de duración de un tratamiento dental y la cantidad de citas necesarias varían dependiendo del tipo de tratamiento y la complejidad del caso. En general, tratamientos como la limpieza dental o la colocación de una restauración pueden completarse en una sola cita, mientras que otros tratamientos más complejos, como la ortodoncia o los implantes dentales, pueden requerir varias citas a lo largo de varios meses.

Es importante que cada paciente entienda que el tratamiento dental es personalizado y se ajusta a sus necesidades individuales. El dentista evaluará su caso y le dará una estimación del tiempo y la cantidad de citas que necesitará para completar su tratamiento.

En nuestra clínica dental, nos esforzamos por ofrecer tratamientos dentales eficientes y efectivos, maximizando el tiempo del paciente y reduciendo al mínimo la cantidad de citas necesarias para su comodidad y conveniencia. Si tiene preguntas sobre un tratamiento específico o necesita más información sobre el tiempo y las citas necesarias, no dude en contactarnos.

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