por admin | Oct 10, 2018 | Dental Health, Health, San Juan de Dios Friends
Sports dentistry is a discipline that studies the influence of each sport on oral health. This is, through oral care, enables a safer and more pleasant practice of sports activity. This eliminates the systemic repercussions caused by oral bacteria. Many of us ignore... por admin | Jul 30, 2018 | Health, San Juan de Dios Friends, Treatment
Dental aesthetics is not only formed by the teeth themselves. There are many factors that intervene in the aesthetic harmony resulting in a pleasant appearance in the face of society. One of the main factors that interact and that are revealed when evaluating dental... por admin | Jul 11, 2018 | Dental Health, Dentition, Health, San Juan de Dios Friends, Treatment
Many times we go to the dentist and they tell us that we have to do a root canal, but what exactly is «an endodontics»? Many people commonly call it «killing the nerve», but what we really do is to remove the pulp, clean and hermetically seal the inside of the tooth.... por admin | May 10, 2018 | Dental Health, Health, San Juan de Dios Friends, Uncategorized
It is known as onychophagia, to the habit of biting the nails. This develops during childhood in most cases, affecting 45% of the child population. It can be maintained until adulthood, being the population that maintains this habit by 10%. It is a habit of a... por admin | May 3, 2018 | Dental Health, Health, San Juan de Dios Friends
On occasion we have met someone who lacks a tooth and this lack has not been caused by an early exfoliation or exodontia. This absence of dental pieces is naturally known as dental agenesis. The dentition of an adult person is composed of 32 pieces while that of the... por admin | Abr 27, 2018 | Children, Dental Health, Dentition, Health, Infancia, Infancia, Kids, Pediatric Dentistry, San Juan de Dios Friends
Surely many of you are having visits of Mouse Perez at home as a result of the replacement of the milk dentition of the child by the definitive adult. To clarify your doubts about this process we give you some guidelines. At SJD Dentistas we also frequently receive...